Incholm Abbey

I finally made it to Incholm Island and the Abbey last Saturday. It was actually on my list of places to see, but I totally forgot until the @alycoste invited me for a boat tour of the Forth River with a landing on the Island. So close to where I live yet I still have so much to see that's a stones throw away from me. I think I often forget that!

The shot to the right is of Alayne, who was kind enough to pose for me while I tried to do some artsy stuff... 

The island is dominated by Scotland's best preserved monastic buildings. It was established in 1235 when Augustinian canons built a priory, which was later given full Abbey status. The Abbey has an amazingly dramatic location and looks beautiful from the boat when passing on the south side. I can only imagine how great it most look in a storm, or with deep snow! Fortunately we had great weather on the island even though it was raining when we left South Queensferry.

The boat trip also went round the bridges; The Forth Rail Bridge, The Road Bridge and of course the new Queensferry Crossing. Have you any idea how difficult it is to take a good shot of bridges  when on a boat? Well, I do. Hence the lack of shots below! :-)

Ok, I got one and you can see it here.