Long time

Wow, I think that may have been the longest gap between any of my journal posts. So long that the Squarespace app for the iPhone looks like it has been completely redesigned, or it may be that I haven’t used it before.

Today marks the day that Scotland has eased the lockdown so that shops, gyms and restaurants can re-open. Personally the idea of only being able to eat outdoors is particularly nice, in The Netherlands, in Summer, when it’s over 25 degrees, in nice boutique restaurants served by people who actually want to be there. Eating outdoors in the UK where it’s cold, usually raining and the food can be compared to the enthusiasm of the server doesn’t fill me with a lot of excitement. That may sound harsh, but reserve your rebuttal until you have lived out of the UK for a few years.

Speaking of living out of the UK I passed 100 days continuous learning of Dutch last Saturday. I am using an app called DuoLingo. I am now halfway through the lessons and it is now stupid hard. Although my early enthusiasm has waned a little (going from four hours every night), I still try to do at least an hour every night. It’s difficult without someone to talk to in Dutch all the time so I am thinking of employing a tutor for at least a couple of hours a week. I think would prefer a face to face lesson rather than a video call…

Anyway, lockdown is over for at least a month before the Coronavirus third/fourth wave hits the UK so with a bit of luck I’ll be able to go out and do some photography again!